Friday, March 13, 2009

I wish I cared enough to do things

This whole week I've had workout plans to make, clothes to clean, homework to complete and what do I do? watch the whole series of Clarrisa explains it all... What an amazing show, I forgot how good it was. Now I'm stuck watching real chance's shot at money with love or something close to it when I actually focus on whats on the T.V.

On the subject of nostalgia I also watched a speed run of wolfenstein 3d and resident evil 1. The graphics are boxy as hell, the blood is completely pixelated (although it looked pretty damn real when I was 7), and both still scare the shit out of me. I'm a big baby, I admit it.

In other news

The casserole held up and tastes even better today, which I'm pretty proud of. I'll probably get more adventurous and create fantastic meals that have 6 servings (which is like... 2 meals for me, but thats okay I've accepted the fact that I'm a fat kid). and this means that if I can master the crockpot that soccer season is going to be a breeze with having food to eat after practice. One less thing I have to worry about, thank god.

Okay I'm seriously going to post this, grab a glass of water and write out my soccer workout plan I am starting on monday.

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